Tuesday, April 8, 2014

World pattern!

The world said:

If you are not happy with your relationship just walk out

It is better to take than give

But, is that true? It that correct?

Reject or receive? 

Do we need to change, do we need to be better?

Look into our own hearts!

What u sow u will ripe!

If u want to change the pattern of the world, u need to start a new pattern!

It takes time for developing

Look at our attitude

If our attitudes not giving the god the best, there is nothing

There is nothing if there is no scarifies 

Look at our life, what are we sacrificing 

Transforming of our mind is very important but nowadays we don't develop our mind

Don't be transfer by the world

Go pursue our goal, go pursue our heart

Sow and ripe!

What is give without sacrifies? 

Start changing!

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